

Monday, October 11, 2010

Social Media Optimizing Tips

Everyone has had their fair share of search engine #fail moments. You're searching, and searching, and searching, and just can't seem to find what you're looking for.Maybe you're looking for bloggers, maybe you're looking for real-time news, or possibly checking out your competition.Social search engines can help you find just what you're looking for, and go straight to the source in no time flat. Here are a few helpful social search engines and search commands.

Twitter search gets more than 1 billion queries per day -- roughly 31 billion per month. That's more search queries in a month than Yahoo and Bing combined.

Head on over to Twitter Search to utilize the advanced search option. Check out the search commands Twitter suggests you use. Some suggestions:

  • Keyword ?: Find Twitter users asking questions that you can help answer. Answering questions and providing useful information can help you find prospects, gain new followers, or further showcase yourself as an expert in any given field.

  • "Keyword" near: City/State: Find out what's being said in any geo-specific area. For clients, this search command will figure out how often industry related keywords are tweeted near their geo-specific areas. Significant discussion of industry related keywords demands attention, and monitoring.

  • "Keyword" :) or "Keyword" :( : Find positive or negative discussion surrounding specific keywords, including brand names. When trying to convince a client to utilize social media marketing, do a few searches and see if online users are already tweeting about their brand.

  • "Keyword": Find link building opportunities. Enter your keyword phrase, or industry related topic. Find out who is tweeting about that particular topic. Do they have a website? Can you build a relationship with that user? Might you be able to secure a guest blog post on their blog? Many link building opportunities available with this search command.

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