

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Search Marketing News

Social marketing needs supporting with other strategies

Social media is undoubtedly the latest buzzword in the world of digital marketing. MySpace, Twitter and Facebook are all steadily being cemented into businesses' marketing strategies as firms try to engage with their customers and generate new business leads.
Obviously, social media can be used to boost a company's website promotion efforts - especially now Google has started including social results in its search engine results page - and it offers some interesting brand-building capabilities.
But without the help of other channels - such as email marketing or search engine optimisation (SEO) - social media campaigns can struggle to offer a concrete return on investment.
Commenting on the benefits of using multiple channels, said: "Cost-effective, tried and tested, email is a proven channel that allows you to connect with your audience and succeed with your marketing endeavours.
"It is also a powerful tool that can help you grow your social network and solidify your position in the social media world." And the same can be said for boosting a website's presence on Google with the help of search engine marketing services.
According to Mashable, implementing a social media campaign without adopting SEO techniques will mean content becomes difficult to find.


Mashable claims that a business should create a game plan for its combined social media and SEO marketing campaign and stick to it.
"Whether a keyword-focused strategy for reaching goals means publishing new content or creating an opportunity for consumer-generated content, it must involve proactive promotion and easy sharing among members of the community," the website said.Adding: "Whether content is created by marketers as part of a social destination like a niche community or a promotion vehicle such as an interactive ad, keyword glossaries become useful for writing headlines, deciding on anchor text for links and outreach activities like blogger relations."
And similar techniques can be applied just as easily to company blogs.
Just last week, Marketing Week's Robin Collyer, director for UK & International at Aprimo, claimed that public-facing corporate blogs are underused, with just 22 per cent of Fortune 500 firms incorporating a blog into their marketing mix.

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