Many webmasters assume that identifying on-site content duplication is a no-brainer. Assuming that you can simply cruise through your site and identify identical pages isn't a good way to manage similar or identical content on your site.
What happens when you have thousands of pages on your site or several template pages (e.g., company location pages, e-commerce sections) sharing content, such as product pages and clearance sections?
Identifying On-Site Content Duplication
It's not just copy that you need to be concerned with. Have you checked your title elements and meta descriptions lately?
While you won't necessarily be dinged for duplicate content by the bots, you're definitely not helping anything.
Cannibalizing terms in the title elements is a great way to confuse search engines about the keyword focus of individual pages. Identical meta descriptions indicate you don't give a darn about informing and persuading a potential site visitor in the SERPs.
Tool to Use: Google Webmaster Tools >>Diagnostics>>HTML Suggestions
This tool will show you duplicate meta descriptions across your site as well as duplicate title elements. Are there are duplicate title elements present? If so, you're likely to have duplicate pages that are generated through internal content sharing and dynamic page creation.
Not all duplicate content on-site has to be identical to offend a search engine crawler. Any page similarity over 70 percent in its entirety can raise red flags are impede ranking success. As I mentioned above, this is seen many times in multiple location pages within a site or different color product pages for instance on e-commerce sites.
Tool to Use: WebConfs Similar Page Checker
This handy tool allows you to input two URLs from your site and assesses the percentage of similarity between the two. While all site pages have some similarity due to navigation and template layout, you should strive to keep this percentage as low as possible, or at least under the 50 percent mark.
Managing On-Site Content Duplication
Once you've identified areas of your site prone to excessive similarity or page duplication, you can address these issues.
The robots.txt file is a great place to start. Here you can exclude duplicating pages such as blog archive folders, blog category folders, dynamic URL parameters that duplicate pages, and such. This is the best way to keep bots away from your duplicate pages.
A tactic closely related to this is the no-index meta tag, which allows you the more functional ability to let crawlers follow links on pages without indexing a respective page. If you have dynamic URLs issues, you're advised to notify Google of this in Webmaster Tools as you can instruct them to ignore certain parameter fields.
Another way to address similar pages is to decide which of these pages you deem the most important for a SERP ranking (i.e., possesses the most/best inbound links, is the main product page, etc.). All other similar pages can feature a canonical meta tag indicating that you realize you have similar content but you wish for search engines to focus on your desired page.
Moving forward, you can use tools to monitor duplicate content such as setting up a campaign in SEOmoz Tools to continually assess content duplicity on your site as well as maintaining a monitoring presence within your Google Webmaster Tools account.
Beyond managing the similar content on your site you didn't know you had, it's always a best practice to make your site content as unique and informative as possible. Your visitors will like you for it, and, oh yeah, the search engines will, too.
Join us for SES Chicago 2010, the Leading Search & Social Marketing Event, taking place October 18-22! The conference offers 70+ sessions on topics including PPC management, keyword research, SEO, social media, local, mobile, link building, duplicate content, multiple site issues, video optimization, site optimization, usability and more.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Social Media Optimizing Tips
Everyone has had their fair share of search engine #fail moments. You're searching, and searching, and searching, and just can't seem to find what you're looking for.Maybe you're looking for bloggers, maybe you're looking for real-time news, or possibly checking out your competition.Social search engines can help you find just what you're looking for, and go straight to the source in no time flat. Here are a few helpful social search engines and search commands.
Really i have red this true story and i agree with you
Twitter search gets more than 1 billion queries per day -- roughly 31 billion per month. That's more search queries in a month than Yahoo and Bing combined.
Head on over to Twitter Search to utilize the advanced search option. Check out the search commands Twitter suggests you use. Some suggestions:
- Keyword ?: Find Twitter users asking questions that you can help answer. Answering questions and providing useful information can help you find prospects, gain new followers, or further showcase yourself as an expert in any given field.
- "Keyword" near: City/State: Find out what's being said in any geo-specific area. For clients, this search command will figure out how often industry related keywords are tweeted near their geo-specific areas. Significant discussion of industry related keywords demands attention, and monitoring.
- "Keyword" :) or "Keyword" :( : Find positive or negative discussion surrounding specific keywords, including brand names. When trying to convince a client to utilize social media marketing, do a few searches and see if online users are already tweeting about their brand.
- "Keyword": Find link building opportunities. Enter your keyword phrase, or industry related topic. Find out who is tweeting about that particular topic. Do they have a website? Can you build a relationship with that user? Might you be able to secure a guest blog post on their blog? Many link building opportunities available with this search command.
Really i have red this true story and i agree with you
Thursday, March 25, 2010
SEO benefits of Twitter explained
There are several ways in which Twitter can be useful for online marketing purposes.
This is according to Kelly Gillease, marketing director of Viator, who says in a post for twitter-38241">Search Engine Land that the microblogging site offers both branding and search engine optimisation (SEO) benefits.
Concentrating on the latter part of online marketing, she explains that those looking to harness Twitter to boost their search engine rankings would do well to use their brand name as their username on the social networking site.
She also recommends considering integrating Twitter news feeds into the business's own website, as well as looking into ways of keeping content on both Twitter and Facebook constantly updated.
Ms Gillease adds: "If Twitter results become a more standard part of the top search engine results, it will definitely pay for marketers to be actively tweeting to increase their exposure."
Despite the apparent SEO benefits of Twitter marketing, a recent OneUpWeb study suggested that web users are slow in adapting to the inclusion of real-time results from social media sites in search listings.
The eye-tracking research indicated that fewer than three in five participants were able to easily spot real-time search results.
This is according to Kelly Gillease, marketing director of Viator, who says in a post for twitter-38241">Search Engine Land that the microblogging site offers both branding and search engine optimisation (SEO) benefits.
Concentrating on the latter part of online marketing, she explains that those looking to harness Twitter to boost their search engine rankings would do well to use their brand name as their username on the social networking site.
She also recommends considering integrating Twitter news feeds into the business's own website, as well as looking into ways of keeping content on both Twitter and Facebook constantly updated.
Ms Gillease adds: "If Twitter results become a more standard part of the top search engine results, it will definitely pay for marketers to be actively tweeting to increase their exposure."
Despite the apparent SEO benefits of Twitter marketing, a recent OneUpWeb study suggested that web users are slow in adapting to the inclusion of real-time results from social media sites in search listings.
The eye-tracking research indicated that fewer than three in five participants were able to easily spot real-time search results.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Search Marketing News
Social marketing needs supporting with other strategies
Social media is undoubtedly the latest buzzword in the world of digital marketing. MySpace, Twitter and Facebook are all steadily being cemented into businesses' marketing strategies as firms try to engage with their customers and generate new business leads.
Obviously, social media can be used to boost a company's website promotion efforts - especially now Google has started including social results in its search engine results page - and it offers some interesting brand-building capabilities.
But without the help of other channels - such as email marketing or search engine optimisation (SEO) - social media campaigns can struggle to offer a concrete return on investment.
Commenting on the benefits of using multiple channels, said: "Cost-effective, tried and tested, email is a proven channel that allows you to connect with your audience and succeed with your marketing endeavours.
"It is also a powerful tool that can help you grow your social network and solidify your position in the social media world." And the same can be said for boosting a website's presence on Google with the help of search engine marketing services.
According to Mashable, implementing a social media campaign without adopting SEO techniques will mean content becomes difficult to find.
Mashable claims that a business should create a game plan for its combined social media and SEO marketing campaign and stick to it.
"Whether a keyword-focused strategy for reaching goals means publishing new content or creating an opportunity for consumer-generated content, it must involve proactive promotion and easy sharing among members of the community," the website said.Adding: "Whether content is created by marketers as part of a social destination like a niche community or a promotion vehicle such as an interactive ad, keyword glossaries become useful for writing headlines, deciding on anchor text for links and outreach activities like blogger relations."
And similar techniques can be applied just as easily to company blogs.
Just last week, Marketing Week's Robin Collyer, director for UK & International at Aprimo, claimed that public-facing corporate blogs are underused, with just 22 per cent of Fortune 500 firms incorporating a blog into their marketing mix.
Social media is undoubtedly the latest buzzword in the world of digital marketing. MySpace, Twitter and Facebook are all steadily being cemented into businesses' marketing strategies as firms try to engage with their customers and generate new business leads.
Obviously, social media can be used to boost a company's website promotion efforts - especially now Google has started including social results in its search engine results page - and it offers some interesting brand-building capabilities.
But without the help of other channels - such as email marketing or search engine optimisation (SEO) - social media campaigns can struggle to offer a concrete return on investment.
Commenting on the benefits of using multiple channels, said: "Cost-effective, tried and tested, email is a proven channel that allows you to connect with your audience and succeed with your marketing endeavours.
"It is also a powerful tool that can help you grow your social network and solidify your position in the social media world." And the same can be said for boosting a website's presence on Google with the help of search engine marketing services.
According to Mashable, implementing a social media campaign without adopting SEO techniques will mean content becomes difficult to find.
Mashable claims that a business should create a game plan for its combined social media and SEO marketing campaign and stick to it.
"Whether a keyword-focused strategy for reaching goals means publishing new content or creating an opportunity for consumer-generated content, it must involve proactive promotion and easy sharing among members of the community," the website said.Adding: "Whether content is created by marketers as part of a social destination like a niche community or a promotion vehicle such as an interactive ad, keyword glossaries become useful for writing headlines, deciding on anchor text for links and outreach activities like blogger relations."
And similar techniques can be applied just as easily to company blogs.
Just last week, Marketing Week's Robin Collyer, director for UK & International at Aprimo, claimed that public-facing corporate blogs are underused, with just 22 per cent of Fortune 500 firms incorporating a blog into their marketing mix.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
NEW Techniques in SEO
SMO -- Social Media Optimization
1.Bookmarking Submission: We are following
(i)URL and Blog link of the page to be submitted
(ii) Tags / keywords used
(iii) Title of the page
(iv) Description of the page
2.Networking Submission: We are following
(i) Adding as many friends as we can
(ii) Commenting friendly to tell about what we try to promote.
(iii) Convey peoples directly about ourselves in profile.
(iv) Make the community interesting in interacting with other peoples.
3. Blog Commenting and Forum Posting: We are following
(i)Adding real comments in relevant Blogs and Signature of forums
(i) Find blogs related to our content.
(ii). Include our blog title and the URL in commenting the Blog and also post links.
4. Classifieds: We are following
(i) Displaying advertisement under headings classifying the product or service like business listings, items for sale, or 'wanted' ads. etc...
This will lead to improve traffic for your website and also improving a business.
1.Bookmarking Submission: We are following
(i)URL and Blog link of the page to be submitted
(ii) Tags / keywords used
(iii) Title of the page
(iv) Description of the page
2.Networking Submission: We are following
(i) Adding as many friends as we can
(ii) Commenting friendly to tell about what we try to promote.
(iii) Convey peoples directly about ourselves in profile.
(iv) Make the community interesting in interacting with other peoples.
3. Blog Commenting and Forum Posting: We are following
(i)Adding real comments in relevant Blogs and Signature of forums
(i) Find blogs related to our content.
(ii). Include our blog title and the URL in commenting the Blog and also post links.
4. Classifieds: We are following
(i) Displaying advertisement under headings classifying the product or service like business listings, items for sale, or 'wanted' ads. etc...
This will lead to improve traffic for your website and also improving a business.
Facebook beats Google's web traffic volume
FACEBOOK'S FOUNDER Mark Zuckerberg will likely be cackling in triumph, as Hitwise has reported that Facebook has overtaken Google to become the most visited website in the US.
Facebook has beaten out Google before, but those instances were only on individual days in the Christmas holiday season as well as last weekend.
With 7.07 per cent of the market, Facebook just beat Google (7.03 per cent) in US web traffic for the week ending 13 March. In the space of a year, the market share of visits to Facebook has increased by 185 per cent, while in comparison visits to Google increased by a paltry nine per cent.
The comparison might not be totally valid as many users searched from their browsers' toolbars rather than It also discounted other Google properties like Gmail. But it does show that with more than 400 million worldwide users, Facebook is going from strength to strength as it becomes more than a simple social networking platform.
Many users were against the change to Twitter-like real time news feeds, while others detest gaming apps like Farmville and Mafia Wars. But the strong showing in terms of traffic demonstrates that arguing against Facebook policy seems to be pointless.
Also troubling Google must be the fact that Facebook has now become an object of love for advertisers, with a massive user base sharing personal information about themselves, which companies trying to flog products can use.
Google has adopted an "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" stance, with the addition of real time news feeds from Facebook joining Twitter in its search results. Google also launched Buzz fairly recently, which uses search technology to sort through the reams of social notworking information that's available on the Internet
Facebook has beaten out Google before, but those instances were only on individual days in the Christmas holiday season as well as last weekend.
With 7.07 per cent of the market, Facebook just beat Google (7.03 per cent) in US web traffic for the week ending 13 March. In the space of a year, the market share of visits to Facebook has increased by 185 per cent, while in comparison visits to Google increased by a paltry nine per cent.
The comparison might not be totally valid as many users searched from their browsers' toolbars rather than It also discounted other Google properties like Gmail. But it does show that with more than 400 million worldwide users, Facebook is going from strength to strength as it becomes more than a simple social networking platform.
Many users were against the change to Twitter-like real time news feeds, while others detest gaming apps like Farmville and Mafia Wars. But the strong showing in terms of traffic demonstrates that arguing against Facebook policy seems to be pointless.
Also troubling Google must be the fact that Facebook has now become an object of love for advertisers, with a massive user base sharing personal information about themselves, which companies trying to flog products can use.
Google has adopted an "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" stance, with the addition of real time news feeds from Facebook joining Twitter in its search results. Google also launched Buzz fairly recently, which uses search technology to sort through the reams of social notworking information that's available on the Internet
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